Monday 20 August 2012

food for thought 2

1.      By honesty, a mirror of virtue, we are truly beholder of truth.

2.      Wisdom is the centre to the circumference of life. God is the reason for genuine living.

3.      Calls for excellence come from brilliant minds

4.      We are children of the dawn. We are rising with the sun, now begat the future because only today can that destiny we ever dreamt of be. If we leave the soil fallow, never tilled, it will be in vain every rain drop because harvest is not certain without seed in the earth

5.      If be it the flare of love is in the eyes, how vulnerable the heart
           If b it the spark of passion is ignited only by momentary pleasure
           how tragic will be every decision without God’s lead 
           because we can sometimes be deceived by desire when too earnest in our hearts.
           Desire is not real until it finds a genuine place in the heart
           If you must be in any relationship make Christ your first and dearest love.  I love you.

6.      Honour is found when you do not despise your days of little beginning, when you take pride in the sweat of your honest labour, an effort which never fail.

7.      Love comes with fragrance of heaven. If be it you are looking for one, there is already a package for you at the throne of grace no-matter-what.

8.      This is quite a moment of solace for the dream of long when there is love to share. However the time will only be real if the love is genuine. I love you all.

9.      Life is simply a moment in time. How you live every moment at hand determines your outcome in life. Live your life well to reach beyond the horizon.

10.  Good times are best shared with love.

11.  There is hope of better calling with passion renewed

12.  The reality of the future is often evident today.

13.  Burden shared is burden light, yet everything still lies on your shoulder.

14.  It is when the impulses of emotion abate we realize the gravity of our folly. Always remember that every action comes with its own rewards or consequence.

15.  If we go beyond our potential with the intention of putting smile on people’s face we can be the ray of hope to this dark world and offspring of bliss to those who wish to rise from zero, and for this heroic effort  we shall be remembered for.

16.  The answer is no more in the box. It is in the brain. Only through intense thinking can we bring it out.

17.  It is only when emotion is put to test we can differentiate between love and infantuattion.

18.  Everything that burns dies eventually
              For in this earth vain impules are limited by consequencies of reality
             Cos we fail to realize that everything that matter
              Narrow to zero six feet beneath the soles of our feet
             And our exuberant profile matter not with eternity at sight
             But if your contribution as man in this sphere of living
             Culminate into smile on people’s face
            And your life is mirrored after the model of Christ
             You will find solace when this mortal breath transpired beyond you
19.  Your total picture is in your self-esteem. If you do not believe in yourself, you lose the beauty of your reality. I believe so much in you, dear.

Friday 20 July 2012

food for thought

only in in eyes wide open day goes by, we transpire through time and our verylife roll out before us, but when we close our eyes we sometime travel far to where and  when we had never being. only in the sight within we build, block after block, tower into our future, whereupon today our destiny is built.
our very essence is not in the earth but in the wind. only the heart endue with thoughfulness sneak, from time to time our very being, part to parts till bid the earth farewell, that transpire in the passive wind the very benefit of our humanity.
Keep the relics of his best days in his mind. However don’t let the relics of the best old days blind you from the glamour of the days yet to come. Wake up every morning, only with one thought, what input do the day demands of me and how  you came save the clamour for love which vibrate through every fibre of every moment of the living

comedy of absurdity

Lets work our ways through this serious time,
Neither  with levity of our calling
Nor in abandonment of our greatest pursuit
Nor in unseriousnes of purpose
Nor in vanity of riches
Nor in the despair of our erring yesteryears
Nor in the travail of the best days ever dreamt of
Nor in extinguishing of hope with gusto of our sigh
Nor in somber of the night befallen all
Nor in the strain of the heat of days of living
Nor in the quietness of the night
Nor in the crow of the dawn,
 But sometimes, even when seemed the glamour of the moment had faded away,
We can find consolation in the comedy of absurdity,
relief from a split of insanity because without laughter  hearts weigh out

food for thought

only in in eyes wide open day goes by, we transpire through time and our verylife roll out before us, but when we close our eyes we sometime travel far to where and  when we had never being. only in the sight within we build, block after block, tower into our future, whereupon today our destiny is built.
our very essence is not in the earth but in the wind. only the heart endue with thoughfulness sneak, from time to time our very being, part to parts till bid the earth farewell, that transpire in the passive wind the very benefit of our humanity.
Keep the relics of his best days in his mind. However don’t let the relics of the best old days blind you from the glamour of the days yet to come. Wake up every morning, only with one thought, what input do the day demands of me and how  you came save the clamour for love which vibrate through every fibre of every moment of the living

this trade called living

Everything that burn eventually dies
For in this earth vain impulses are constrained
But while we bid goodnight to yesterdays
With all vanity of existence gone
Everything that matter narrows into zero
Because our exuberant profile matter not with eternity at sight
But our contribution when culminate into smile on the people’s faces
We then eventually profit from this business of living
We are the children of the earth, in the dignity of the  heart we parade on this platform of existence for all mortals to exhibit their instinct

a horse on a blank page

Clouds were gradually vanishing and stars gaining slim access onto the vast blue canopy over our universe, ornamental matter-of-factly. The rain was receding and also the raging ocean. Ayeku was dead silent and time had exceeded 11 O’clock. The rumbling of the sky and lightening, fair now, in the blue sky were repeated action of nature. Nevertheless, the rumble overrode every snore from those houses in Ayeku.
His knees astride her frame, his left fingers clamping the right ones and his palm ball he frantically pressed against her cleavage, he was struggling to sneak her from death, though trembling. For been ever opportune to rescue this goddess he made hard press on her graceful front. After a brief jerks on her front, he would tightly close her nose between his right forefinger and thumb, lock his trembling lips to hers and his throat passed reviving air into her so her lung can gush out  the liquid obstacle in it.
In this task, he exerted, If she dies, I shall die too. She is the only hope for my living.
She lay under him stack naked and still unconscious like a wreck of an ancient craft. She was that maiden he had seen in two different occasions and had rescued him from his impotency. The ocean wave had stripped her of her clothing.
Lying there under him her tempting frame was graceful. Her bosom was apparently stunning. Her hair was nicely plaited with rows of narrow scalps, lining every plait of her cornrows, ably reflecting the sparkling stars hanging in the blessed sky. She has a chocolate silken skin, as mild as fairest dew on a waking leaf. She was indeed typical an African beauty. Her nose was moderate in making and cheeks were that of the queen of the coast. Her lips were also moderate and supple. Even the passive  air that kisses them enjoys them.
All these goddess-like features made him twitched over her and fumbled twice or thrice rescuing her. She still lay there seemed lifeless. He must not report to Mama his impotency to repay the good this maiden had done him if he did not save her life. It would be coward of him if he failed and Olujimi hears about it, too. Then what about Mbatu? He would soon leave Ayeku and it would be unkind of him if he never saw this goddess before he leaves.  If she is actually a goddess, immortal being, she will not die but live. Not to deceive himself, she was human, in fact mortal, though possesses some features of goddess.
He presses harder as though his hands would sink into her heart: harder, harder, harder…and he locked his lips to hers, pouring into her throat hot breath while his heart looked shrinking in this activity.
Amazing! She twitched and vomited salt water mixed with saliva into his throat and he could  not tell how he swallowed it. This solution tasted better than what taste bud could tell the brain.
Her eyes fluttered to life. Those eyes, fluttered from unconsciousness as pulse transmitted through her throbbing forehead, were stately and bloomed like an early rose caressed by Aurora’s cold palm. Indeed the brightest star in the sky was appreciative of been opportune to reflect on those adoring eyes. She was indeed a typical model of beauty.
Atop her was a man, panting heavily and his face explained the highest degree of nervousness. This man she had never, or might have, seen in her entire life. Her eyes were also dilated with dread and she vomited another volume of water again, groaning and panting. She heard him sighed a relief.
‘Oophs! Mmmm,’ she remarked. She was shivering. ‘I am frightened.’ Her quivering left hand made for his. ‘I am frightened.’
‘No, you should not.’ He assured her, still straddling her naked figure.
‘I am alive!’ she managed to twisted an inch under him and then lift her right hand to feel her face, neck and bosom. Now, she realized she was uncovered. Maybe by reflex action, she abruptly applied her arms to conceal her chest. Her eyes dilated wider, she startled less than being shock. Her breath rate increased.
‘Oh!’ He quickly remarked. ‘I am sorry. I shall…’ The maiden was still shocked. Hence, he drifted away from her quickly and looked around for something to conceal her bare frame. Then he remembered the net. He found it some yards away and brought it, the fishes falling off it. With quivering hands he offered her it, ‘Thiss…thiss will…will do.’ Would do indeed?
Without word, she snatched it from him and wrapped herself up in it. Somewhat, her nude figure was still apparent behind it.
‘I amm sorry…ry–’ He endeavoured to apologize.
‘Oh, no! Oh, no!’ She made a wane smile, her cheeks fairly dimpled. ‘You saved my life.’
‘Un, umm…’ He fumbled.
‘I thought I was dead.’
‘You cannot, maiden. You cannot.’ Yes she couldn’t. She was just a heroine to him and he would not watch her die like that.
‘Thank you for saving my life.’ She quickly made him a warm hug, her body smelling fish.
Even though, the weather was cold his blood became extremely warm in the interface with her and he was lost in  her arms, dissolving into her. He seemed to lose all his breath and sound as he had her bosom pressing into his hairy bare chest. Taiwo once said of them being as cold as morning dew of harmattan, yet he was hot.
     Now the dog was making staccato sound to proclaim its presence or protest their negligence of it. So, she refrained her arms from him, bent slightly, ruffled her hand through its fur and remarked in appreciative tone, ‘Thank you, thank you very much.’
‘Is this your dog?’ He managed a confidence to ask.
She stood up and looked straight into his eyes. Bade managed to turn his eyes away from hers. Those eyes overwhelmed them. She indeed has flawless lips which gracefully allowed ‘Em, not really mine. She was stranded and I helped her’ slipped over them.
‘You are a nice lady.’
‘Thank you. You are a nice man, too, nicer if you will permit me to say.’
‘Thank you,’ He added, ‘Do you, em…do you stay nearby so I might help you home?’
‘I am a…’ Her legs, like silvery pillars upon which her trunk is erected, or his evolving world, fumbled and gave way.
Half way to thud on the coarse sand, Bade lunched and caught her.
She fell limply into his arms, making moan through which the ripples of her weakness streamed into his being. Her weakness was significant. ‘I am weak,’ she said. Her eyes were fixed on his – quite captivating – and she made an engaging smile that revealed better an exuberant weakness that overwhelmed her face. They exchanged breath, so closely, that fondled their cheeks with sudden emotion absurd somewhat. Bade maintained this posture with her, holding her half way down, for about a minute in endless moment.
‘Yes, you are. You will have a place to rest tonight.’
‘Your house?’
‘Em, yes, mmm,’
‘Thank you, thank you very much.’
Bode gradually rose up, erecting her on her feet on the ground and declared, ‘You will have to walk.’
‘I shall faint if I do.’ Her legs wobbled again.
‘Oh, I will carry you.’
‘Thank, em-em, you.’
He carried her on his arms, her head burrowed on his chest and arms around his neck, and he could hear the ileke around her hips jingled as he heads home. The dog was trotting behind him still making staccato sound. ‘Relax, lady. Everything will be all right.’ He remarks consoling her. She could  only groaned her rejoinder. Then both of them were silent and she shortly slept in his arms. Bade was pondering where he should lay her head tonight. Where would I lay her tonight? In Mama’s room? No! In one of the rooms? No. they are unkempt and it wouldn’t be befitting. What about his room? Yes, she will sleep in my room and the dog will sleep in the passage. I believe it will not disturb Mama. Would it? No, it won’t.
The old woman might have been worried about him, but having the knowledge of his absolute healing she would have gone to bed and slept.
About a score meters home he became aware the dog has vanished. To this awareness, the maiden’s voice re-echoed in his mind: ‘She was stranded and I helped her.’ No, it was astray. It was its nature.
Having silenced his creaky door as he cautiously opened it, not to disturb Mama, he entered his room with her and as gently as possible laid her in his bed. With her in the room it became of more grandeur.
He rose, and as he was about to make for a tea bag on a stool in a corner of his room, so that he might make a hot tea for her and make her warm, he heard her voice from behind more tender and sensual:
‘Will you leave me here alone…I am afraid.’
‘I want to get you hot drink to keep you warm.’
‘No, no, I don’t need that. Stay close to me and I will be warm.’
‘I…I also want to get you a dress.’
‘Or you want to leave me alone here because I am a stranger?’
‘No, no, I wouldn’t do…do that.’
‘Please stay close to me so I might find warmth in your arms.’
‘But I…’

Good morning.
On every individual inhabiting in Ayeku the sun rose and or, upon the world altogether. In its imperial appearance it was apparent of hope and nothing stood on its path.
Good morning.
The sun conquered the dark and stripped naked our universe; the beauty behind its erstwhile dark cloth was revealed.
Good morning.
There was no dark place nor deep shadow for evil doers to hide under the magnanimity of the woken sun.
Good morning.
It was a beautiful Friday morning. The morning was gracious. If it were its intention to withdraw its spirit and breath all mankind would perish and would return to dust…dust to dust.
Good morning.
Every moment we wake, every first glance at the sphere we inhabit, is a cogent reason to live, because the moment we close our eyes in conclusion of existence, all we have ever lived and struggle for will close up into vacuum. After heeding the call of the realm beyond, we only have our deeds behind speaking for us.
Good morning.
Bade rose from the right side of the bed. He did not wake up that early this morning. The sun ray flushed through his window bathed him. However, the maiden was no more there in his room although left a trace – a bloodstain on his bed mattress. He asked his neighbours if they helped him see her but their responses weren’t helpful. He asked Mama but she had not seen her. To appease Mama’s curiosity he related the last night experience to her…

She was cold. She needed to be warm and hot tea wouldn’t do, probably hot air of his nostrils would do. That would be better. He was afraid using himself to make her warm. That tragic incident was harsh on her yet couldn’t inflict her gorgeous vigour . Sure a true beauty is seen in a bright skin although scorched by harsh sun of life, but in her case tormented by death. In fact she was a beauty!
He managed to even perch on the edge of his own bed, the presence of this faultless figure in his bed oppressing him, yet feeling her warm breath caressing his back which splugged warmness into him. Hence, he felt discomfort darting around him in his own room, in his own bed; he would excuse himself, having felt the room was fairly dark.
‘This place is dark. I should light the lantern.’
‘Oh, un…’ That was sensual indeed.
Bade made for the lantern and the box of matches, stroke a match and shortly the lantern glowed, revealing the hidden reality of life he had never felt since birth. This illuminated the whole room, the beautifully painted room. Then the artwork came to sight from the painted wall. Embarrassed, he blamed himself, I shouldn’t have lighted the room…
Her voice tender and wane came from behind, ‘I love that picture.’
As he looked back his eyes met astonishment on her face.
In amazement she said, ‘That looks like me.’
‘Yes, em, uh–’ He wanted to give an excuse. He chewed a side of his lower lip, blamed himself the more for lightening the lantern.
‘I look so beautiful there. I love it. May I see it.’
She started with her left leg towards the floor to make for it but Bade abruptly retorted, ‘Oh, no, don’t worry. I will bring it to you.’
‘Oh, thank you.’ She retreated into bed.
Bade removed the picture from the wall and headed to her, and with his uncalculated movement he ascertained, that figure in the frame is not a perfect match of her. She was more beautiful than that. He cautiously handed it over to her.
She gazed at it and dimpled her cheeks with tenacious smile. Was that smile to mock him? Did she make it because she was aware that her nude contour in the painting had been a titillation to him which had made him surmount his titanic plight uncommon to man?
Somewhat she smiled; and she remarked, ‘This is lovely, beautiful.’ She placed her right fingers about her awesome face, quite exciting in the gesture, in the painting and felt it as though the face actually bore human flesh, and blurted out, ‘So, I am this beautiful?’
Yes, you are. You are indeed more beautiful than this. Bade would  say that loud out if he was on a hilltop, but here was even higher than hilltop. How on earth would he get the courage to say that here when her presence was engulfing him? He was dumb towering over her.
‘How did you get to draw this?’ She asked, her inquiring eyes fixed on his.
‘Em, un, I – I wasn’t the one wwho drew it.’ He really fumbled. It would be disastrous to tell her he was secretly watching her taking bath nude, here-and-there.
‘He must be a great artist.’ She added with wink, ‘He must be a man of great talent?’
‘Yes, mmm…’
She looked at the artwork again and declared, ‘It’s a great work.’ Her voice emanated from her sensual lips, in the same gravity with her amazement.
He felt its heat in his bone. ‘Thank, em, you, but I am sorry–’
‘Oh, no, save your sweat.’ She gave the artwork back to him and he returned it to its position on the wall, then went back to the edge of the bed.

Good morning.
A lone star, efficient in the day, gave its light and heat.
Good morning.
The star peep out behind the cloud and was chasing the shadow of his house and many other houses in Ayeku towards the west. Nature might call it hide-and-seek game: while clouds help to hide the houses and sun seek for it.
Good morning.
This star hung as though with invisible string of space, over the universe and its pale base caresses its azure head. In fact, the sky was a pale translucent blue.
The glowing figure,  reclining on the surface of our universe, in his irises was oscillating in a modulation that surpasses human imagination; he was lost in the world with the rich memory of last night, seldom enriching his countenance with happiness but mostly with guilt as he reclined on his assembled chair at the verandah.

She muttered something he faintly heard. This called his attention to her and their eyes met as he heard her saying, ‘You are a wonderful man.’
He was becoming more shy and didn’t have the word in the world to reply her. He turned his eyes away before hers. They overwhelmed them  again. Her lips were flawless and the aspect on her face portrayed… ‘I need you reach into me.’

Olujimi had met him in this reclining posture at the verandah. Briefly, they had discussed Taiwo’s health and entered into his room. Olujimi enjoyed the nude figure in the artwork: it was titillating! He commented, ‘She’s indeed a model of beauty. Adu mara dan.’ He was covetous, uh? He added, ‘I pray both of you meet again.’
‘She slept in here last night.’ Bade announced.
‘Eh…eh?’ He was agape for a second, his eyes broadened with astonishment. ‘You are so amazing, friend!’

The maiden was asleep and Bade was drowsy. The maiden was moaning sensually. This sweet sound, if one might call it so, slapped him in the face: You are a fool! Sleep by her side! Are you now not a man? By this, he had heat ran down his spine, and he felt he should do something. At last, he lay beside her.
The net, still smelling fish, improperly knot about her armpit, atop her bosom was getting loose, and she still lay there like a bed of roses upon a dewy green grass, lush and sensational.
Sleeping there beside her, he was like a sheep lost in a wilderness, bleating for help. In the weird company of this maiden, the atmosphere hovering over him absorbed the remaining abnormal fluid of his predicament in his vein and made it twitched.
If love was a poison lovers would like to take it and die rather than live without it in the like of Romeo and Juliet. He loved this maiden – or was that he lust after her? He would rather taste it, and if truly was poison, preferably die. However, he shouldn’t do something tonight because the maiden was defenseless. That would be wickedness.
The maiden, sound asleep, stirred in the bed and her right arm made for his bare hairy chest and her groin, soft and melting, also went onto his and sensually groaned, from which a warm wind emanated from her cute nose  met his cold cheek. His iron body melts and his hair grew spiky; his iron body was transforming to a desired pattern of lust. He could not believe he was that ductile and malleable. He was not his whole self, has been dismantled. In the warm feeling of her arms, groin and breath, he was chilled to the bone. His nerves were endowed with exuberant strength which was translated to that region in the body where man is truly man.
The goddess of lust  visited them, greeting them with a splendour of ethereal  ecstasy which could elevate man and woman in knot from the very deep within to the greatest latitude of imaginary world.
The sexual conduct between these rare species swelled the atmosphere beyond the circumference of their psyche bound in their emotion, both of them having this experience for the first time.
In this ethereal bonding, he found deep inside of her the part of him he had never known, the actual man in him.
At this point where their souls and bodies were intertwined, they realized the gravity of lust at the climax of their fleshly connection, through which earthen sensation networked through their mortal veins into their brain void of everything but sense of romance.
At the peak of romance they shred away from interface of keenest emotion between them like cleaves of dewy leaves bonded for dawning ray.

‘Before I knew it, I had done it.’
‘That is great, lovely. You are amazing, friend.’  

After a moment of carnal engagement  both of them lay there in the bed only in the covering of their mortal skins, she confessed with a look predominant with guilt, ‘And I didn’t want to do it.’
‘It was good, my lady. You have healed my wound, my being and my soul. You have, indeed.’
Yes you have. That was the first time he would do such a thing.
‘How have i? my virtue…’ she whimpered, couldn’t finish that sentence as tears dampened her eyes. Then she sat up.
This also dampened the spirit on his aspect as he saw blood stain in his bed – she was a virgin. He had defiled a divine purity, desecrated her virtue. He felt  guilty for the sexual exploit of the poor lady. He had committed the greatest abomination. ‘I am very very sorry. I didn’t…didn’t–’
‘So, I wouldn’t have any man to take my hands in marriage?’
‘Oh, no!’ That was an opportunity to tell her he shall marry her. ‘I shall marry you. Nothing in this world will stop me from doing so. You are my heroine, my helper. I shall not live if I do not have you. Don’t you love me?’
‘I do. I do, but–’
Having sat up, he shifted less than an inch to her and as gently as possible his hand went around her tender waist, few of his fingers stranded on her loins where pain was grappling more than an hour ago, touching her mildest place: inspiration of love comes from tender touch only to culminate to bond of lust in which ethereal instincts of man expire in carnal emotion.
He declared, his nose touching hers, ‘I shall marry you. I shall give all my possessions for your bride price. Our marriage shall make history. I shall spend my last breath for you. We shall be husband and wife and you shall have children for me. You shall be model of a wife.’
She blinked her eyes – it was her turn to be shy – and as though in shame or
deliberately, she turned her eyes to avoid his and asked, ‘Are you sure?’
‘Upon my life I am absolutely sure. I really mean that.’
She raised an inquiring brow and a smile was regaining dimples on her cheeks as she asked for assurance again, ‘Sure?’
He nodded his assurance. He was confident now and she was shy.
He drew his hands few inches up her back which glided so politely her silken mild skin, and then drew her close to his bare chest – flesh to flesh, dust to dust – and both of them, clamping to each other, retreated sideway into the bed but there was no immoral influence of lust between them but emotion swelled this very moment again between them.

‘I am sorry for that, friend.’
‘Hey, no! you are such a smart person. If that has not happened you would have lost her.’
‘And I have lost her already.’
‘You haven’t. Your flesh has mixed with hers. That’ll imprint a lasting memory in her heart. When she could not overcome that, she will come back. You have touched, indeed, the very crucial part of her being. That has subdued her.’
‘Olujimi, that was a rape.’
‘That is where you are making mistake. Her groin was upon yours and you were aroused…’

‘…and she yielded to you. She needed to be warm and you helped her to be.
‘So,’ She placed her right hand upon his shoulder. ‘Look straight into my eyes.’
Bade did.
‘Look, I am a woman and I could feel her emotion. That emotion is common to all women when a man has mildly touched their lives. She needed it, pretended as if asleep and placed her groin on yours. My child, ask yourself, when you made your hand for her bosom and she opened her eyes, why didn’t she push you away, screamed out and run away?
‘Un, she was cold and needed to be warm, and there was a man to rescue her, as you have done in the first place. Only you could have done that.
‘And besides, yes, um, yes, you saved her life. You are her hero. She might  not have anything in this world to compensate you for that than to offer you what you would appreciate and she would also, although she pretended as not. My child, no one would have offered you that than her: that is blessedness of the gods.’
‘But, Mama, I couldn’t ask about her, even her name, in the spell of last night.’
‘Just relax, my child. You think you have lost her?’
He nodded, tentatively.
‘No, you haven’t, my child. You will both meet again. You have made a lasting wound in her virtue and you are the only cure to it. Relax, so’gbo, she will make for you. Hence, both of you will marry.’
This final sentence induced his face with smile. That was what the old woman loved to see – a smile – in the aspect of her grandchild. Happiness and enthusiasm made him more handsome. She retreated her hand and also smiled, her cheeks wrinkled the more. She had just helped his conscience: for when truth is lost conscience is in void for only truth can nurture conscience.
The breasts of this old woman couldn’t nurse, impotent of his mother’s milk, withered and lacked vigour, yet her word could nurse this very orphan – a sole benefactor of this blessedness. Elders will nurse the young ones with wisdom and knowledge engrafted in their words.