Monday 23 February 2015

Assurance Of Hope

It is hopeful ignorance to think a stagnant water will never stench or for a dead leaf dream of sunshine of growth, history without story, success without trying, Dawn without cock crow...only that there is sanity in ideal of CHANGE if only we make a move. How would you hope for rain, however drizzle it might be in iota of faith, from long draught without buying an umbrella. Hope is only in trying, and not in folding of arms or wishing the mountain to move towards us without daring the mountain. Your future is not Just in the dawn but dream of sunshine. I love you all

Friday 20 February 2015

Truth never true

The conflict between conscience and creed is settled by divine knowledge of our purpose, truthful to living out our consciousness by being ourselves.

The clamour within outlast that without. Don't let the sound of the crowd silence the still voice within, because it's the only guide to peace of mind.

Tuesday 17 February 2015


In the face of challenges the best of man is known.
In the face of despair we Can be positive.
In the face of tyranny, the test of patriotism is true.
In the face of dire need is the hope of calling.
In the fierce disappointment of defeat sometime is victory
Wherefore valour, though seemed vanquished, does  not stay aground spread-eagled
But spring from the shadow of the past into the light if reality
Dusting the ashes of yesterday onto the quicksand of today we stand on the unshaken rock of possibilities,
So we Can move on onto the future,
And the Future is you and I.

Monday 16 February 2015

Truth at twilight

Something was wrong between his thighs that he could not sire a child. Though stunningly handsome and full of courage yet he has no gut to woo women. He was not a complete man until he met AMOPE who, being a balm on his wound but yet, was a salt. It was too late to realised that he has erred after all his salvation by the maiden sent from the gods. Check out my book: TRUTH AT TWILIGHT @

Truth at twilight

Something was wrong between his thighs that he could not sire a child. Though stunningly handsome and full of courage yet he has no gut to woo women. He was not a complete man until he met AMOPE who, being a balm on his wound but yet, was a salt. It was too late to realised that he has erred after all his salvation by the maiden sent from the gods. Check out my book: TRUTH AT TWILIGHT @

Friday 13 February 2015

Humble while Rumble within is silent the noise withal

On this hallowed ground we do nobly thread without fear of ills of tomorrow nor comfort of today but humbly do we rise tall from ashes of yesterday to Glory of days to com

Thursday 12 February 2015

Bama is Falling

i have never  anticipated nightfal over BAMA as much ask i now. As long i lay my uneasy back in the floor, disturbed more with the noise of pesky mosquitoes than the loud snore of my wife, interrupted with the long whistle of my son. Only this time i could measure his sanity under moonlight When fast asleep, rolling sometimes against, and  even over, his mother who often jabbed him even in her sleep, and moaned my name. There is difference between the light of the sweltering noon  and empty shadow of the night in Her sleep Only that Her senses are alert under the sun but still a roll-over of the emptiness of the bygone night which is also a consistent fraction of nature.

from my manuscript: BAMA IS FALLING.